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radio program director critique tipsMost radio program directors practice what I call “Paperboy Management.”

If you’re old enough to recall having subscribed to your local daily newspaper…

Did you ever call the paper to give feedback on the news carrier’s performance in delivering your newspaper?

If so, I’ll bet it was because either one day the newspaper wasn’t delivered…or it got wet and you wanted it replaced.

The only feedback the paperboy (or the guy on the truck) received from you was when the newspaper was missing or wet.

And you didn’t need to give him more feedback than that, because motivating him wasn’t your job; it was his supervisor’s job.

A radio PD, however, is charged with motivating a staff of people whose duties usually are more complex than throwing a newspaper in the general vicinity of the customer’s house.

The following, by the way, is not a helpful critique:  

“That comedy bit you did this morning? It sucked.”    

If you can’t tell the jock why the break didn’t work or what she could have done to have made it better, you have no business criticizing her. 

Click here for tips on How To Critique and Coach Radio Talent.

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  • Seabass October 22, 2013, 5:34 am

    Too fuuny. So many so called Program Directors are irrationally concerned about a ‘word’ in a break or some such absurd nonsense.
    As if some minor mis-speak that no one heard or cares about is somehow going to cause the Ratings to plummet and the station to explode.
    It’s not the Talent that sucks, it’s these type of Program Directors and the small minded kooks that hire them.