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Spec Spot — An audible, unsolicited invitation to say no.

Station Vehicle — The primary device by which excess gasoline is burned.

Traffic Department — Employees whose primary function is to take the blame for mistakes made by the sales department.

Consultant — A person who can predict with unfailing accuracy what happened a couple of years ago in a different market.

Weekend — The last two days of the Promotion Director’s work week.

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  • Sandy Weaver Carman August 20, 2008, 5:14 am

    Dan, you are always insightful, informative and entertaining. Today you just flat-out cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh-out-loud radio definitions!

  • Mark Bystrom August 20, 2008, 6:08 am

    Here's another definition–

    "International Radio Creative & Production Summit: A yearly opportunity for learning and growth through incredible guest speakers and the encouragement of fellow attendees."

    As someone who has always been rather insecure about my own abilities, I was so thankful for the positive attitude of everyone I met at the Summit. This created a very encouraging environment and I returned home with new ideas, new friendships and a renewed zeal to do better work.

    In short, the Summit has become an important part of my personal growth and something I now look forward to each year.

    Thank you, Dan!

  • Dan O’Day August 20, 2008, 6:50 am

    @ Sandy:

    Thanks. If you look to the first series in that posting, you’ll see that much of it was written by a radio person who wishes to remain anonymous (and employed).

    I added my own twists to it, but the original idea (inspired by Ambrose Bierce) was his.

    Please feel free to add your own….

  • Dan O’Day August 20, 2008, 6:55 am

    @ Mark:

    Thanks for the kind words, Mark. It's awfully hard to describe the The International Radio Creative & Production Summit for someone who's never attended.

  • Anonymous August 25, 2008, 3:48 am

    I doubt anyone could have summed up the Traffic role any better.