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It’s not every day that a radio commercial achieves a 0% effectiveness rating. Congratulations to the advertising team at Wachovia.

The commercial’s goal is to get people to use Wachovia’s Way To Save Program, whatever that is. Meanwhile, the opening line is the commercial for the commercial: It’s your one chance to grab the attention of your targeted listener.

Does “One easy way to save money is to make sure the tires on your car are properly inflated” really attract the attention of banking customers?

And is that really a valuable tip?

If Wachovia truly believes “proper tire inflation” is an attention grabber, then here are some other gems they can use — no charge, my compliments:

“One easy way to save money is to turn off the air conditioning when the natural indoor temperature is below 40 degrees.”

“One easy way to save money is to wait to receive your change when using a $100 bill to pay for a McDonald’s Happy Meal.”

“One easy way to save money is not to carelessly drop it behind you as you walk down the street.”

And hey, not one…not two…but three Calls To Action.

Ending perfectly with an unintelligible disclaimer.

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  • Ian August 18, 2008, 12:17 pm

    Wow – what a horrible way to start a spot. If the opening line is supposed to be the “commercial for the commercial”, Wachovia has utterly failed at advertising. I would’ve expected that line to be for a car repair shop, or maybe even a tire manufacturer – but a BANK?

  • scott s. August 19, 2008, 4:10 am

    I’ve heard it before, lame comparisons that really have nothing to do with the product, out to get your attention, then give you the pitch. TV ads do it all the time, especially nat spots. TV is visual though, and that doesn’t always translate to audio.

    What really stood out for me was the delivery and music bed. They’re just plain boring. You’re sitting in your car, in your kitchen with the radio on starting your busy day, does anyone care with that monotoned delivery? It puts me to sleep. That’s what happens when the spot is too wordy, you lose inflection to get all the crap in you have to.

    I love the american disclaimers at the end. You guys are all lawsuit happy down there aren’t you? “unlawful” seems to be be an excuse to intimidate I think. It’s to the point of being funny to me.