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Kia Ora from New Zealand!

I've been hanging around radio stations since I was 14. I'm currently writing and producing, having just completed my time at a broadcasting school. I'm still itching to get on air. My job as a writer keeps me working 7am til 7pm, and I study for two hours each night. I don't want to become pigeon-holed into being a writer and miss the "jock" boat. Besides the half mid-dawns I'm currently doing (12 til 3, then home for a few winks, back to work at 7), what can I be doing to GET ON-AIR?


I'd guess your station values you more as a writer than as a potential jock.

Assuming you have a decent relationship with your PD, go to him and her and explain that your lifelong dream has been to be a disc jockey. And while you are grateful to the PD for giving you such a big career break, you will not be happy if you continue to be a full-time writer instead of a jock.

Then ask the PD, "Will you help me map out a plan that will put me on-the-air here within six months? And if you don't think that's possible, perhaps you can help me figure out where I should go to land that on-air gig I crave."

Believe it or not, most PDs won't fire you for talking so openly (assuming that you are appropriately subservient in your demeanor while delivering such a speech).

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