Download your FREE 90-Minute Audio Seminar
“Pros’ Guide to Performing with Accents and Dialects”
Jim Johnson with Dan O’Day
Download your free 90-minute audio seminar now for a serious look at learning and performing accents and dialects for voice over, audiobooks, film, TV, stage...
- The difference between "Accents" and "Dialects" (The answer will surprise you.)
- 2 biggest misconceptions about performing accent
- How "having a good ear" can become a trap
- Rhotic vs. non-Rhotic accents
- The Tapped R
- When and how to use a "Generican" accent
- How to establish and maintain consistency with an accent
- Accent Anchors
- Physicalization Leading to Visualization
- Intonation
- How to switch "on a dime" from one accent to another
- Pitfalls of "Learning an Accent from YouTube"
- How to reconstruct or create an accent or dialect (e.g., historical dialects)
- Socioeconomic impacts on an accent
- The power of well placed Indicators
- Accuracy vs. Audience Comfort and Audience Expectation
Download Your Pro's Guide to Performing with Accents and Dialects
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