by Dan O'Day
on January 28, 2015
One day you’re dreaming about getting paid to record audiobooks.
The next day, you’re doing it.
What’s it like when you’re offered your very first book?
In this video, half a dozen ACX Master Class graduates tell their personal stories, including:
“How my mother-in-law reacted…”
“They sought ME out.”
“When the first one went out for sale, I couldn’t believe it…”
“It takes your breath away!”
“A pretty incredible moment…”
Registration for the ACX Master Class closes Friday evening, January 30.
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by Dan O'Day
on January 21, 2015
While we’re waiting to open registration for the 2015 ACX Audiobook Master Class, I thought I’d share this long-lost educational film with you.
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by Dan O'Day
on January 19, 2015
This video no longer is available.
Please enter your name and best email address in the box below, so we can let you know if & when we offer the ACX Master Class again.
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by Dan O'Day
on January 15, 2015
This video no longer is available.
Please enter your name and best email address in the box below, so we can let you know if & when we offer the ACX Master Class again.
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by Dan O'Day
on January 12, 2015
This video no longer is available.
Please enter your name and best email address in the box below, so we can let you know if & when we offer the ACX Master Class again.
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