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radio advertising expert

A Radio Station Creative Director Writes:

“A local advertising agency that is really a glorified buying service was soliciting our station’s help to pitch an area spa.

“After reviewing their creative (which was anything but), I offered a brief critique of their radio commercial script.

“I said that besides not connecting with the listener at all, the copy offered no benefit for the listener, no reason to patronize that spa. They should give that soccer mom a reason why she should take time out of her busy day, and money out of her bank account, to have some laser process or cellulite reduction done.

“The agency’s response was, ‘Let’s not assume the listeners are idiots. They can figure out why they should come to this spa.’ ”

Well, of course.

I guess it’s the consumers’ job to figure out why they should patronize a particular business.

And the commercial exists to…um…I dunno, act as an auditory brochure.

  • Spa
  • Agency
  • Radio station
  • Audience

One of those four qualifies as “idiot.”

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  • Jerry Stevens December 4, 2013, 3:29 pm

    Can we just do away with two voice spots with bad writing and worse acting? It’s not just radio, virtually all TV mini-dramas are pathetic.

  • adamg December 5, 2013, 2:49 am

    “I was listening to ‘my music’ and you now are going to make me be happy you are interrupting that to think about your product? You want me to remember numbers and addresses, and be excited about it when you can hardly get words out of your mouth. Jerry you are right TV can be just like it-yet no apologies for the interruptions, no talent syncing, and how come the “show” quality is better than all the commercials quality? How come I believe the words in the song but I don’t believe the words in the commercial? Work on that Radio suits.