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One of my favorite sessions from the International Radio Creative & Production Summits was entitled SECRET CASE HISTORIES FROM THE RADIO RANCH: From Client Problem to Creative Solution to What You Heard On The Air.”

Radio legend Dick Orkin pulled back the curtain to reveal behind-the-scenes stories of a number of The Radio Ranch’s many advertising successes — some well-known, others less so.

Dick Orkin Dan O'Day radio copywriting(That’s Dick on the left, with me on the right, pretending to be interested.)

One great success was for Carlsberg Beer, but only after they figured out how to solve a problem:

The ad agency insisted they use the line, “Don’t touch my Carlsberg!”

Carlsberg Beer bottle

As Dick explained, it wasn’t easy to find a way to use that line in a manner that didn’t sound overly aggressive.

But they managed to overcome that obstacle, as you’ll hear in this spot (featuring Tom Poston along with Dick).

When doing a comedy radio commercial, it’s important to build to a payoff at the end. Notice how this one does just that.

Although this campaign aired in Ireland, the agency specifically wanted to use American voices. Perhaps they figured “American” and “aggressive” go together nicely.

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  • Leslie McMurray October 23, 2013, 9:46 am

    It’s brilliant. Just further proof that radio spots don’t HAVE to be a tune out.

  • Dave Benson October 23, 2013, 10:28 am

    The advertising produced by Mr. Orkin and associates stands the test of time. A true hall of famer if there ever was one.

    Imagine if Orkin were assigned to do some of these Tax/Mortgage/Reputation Helpline spots. Radio would be the winner as a tune out would become a tune in.