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Yes, You CAN Publish & Flourish on Kindle

how to publish your own Kindle bookHate to read? Skip the rest of this article and just sign up here to get on my Kindle Publishing Secrets Alert List via “Dan Saves Radio (People).”

One reason I’ve avoided publishing a Kindle book is I hear from friends who’ve done it that:

– It’s a big hassle.

– Their financial returns haven’t justified the time & effort & expense.

So when a friend of a friend asked if I’d promote his upcoming series of (free) Kindle publishing training videos, I was quick to say, “Sure.”

Well, first I checked with our mutual friend and said, “How good is this guy’s stuff?”

“Really good.”

The guy actually offered to send me his entire course on DVDs. I haven’t been able to view them yet, so I can’t personally recommend them yet.

But if you’re even vaguely interested in successfully publishing your own Kindle book (or series of books), you can’t beat the price of the upcoming free training videos.

But the only way I can let you know when the videos are released is if you’re on my “Dan Saves Radio (People)” list.