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Thom Whetson submitted this a while ago. Finally I have time to share it with you:

“Great moments in advertising: A radio local station is running nicely done spots for businesses to ‘use VMware to virtualize their server needs.'”

Radio advertising solves problems.

Very few people in that station’s listening audience awakened this morning thinking, “By golly, I’ve just got to virtualize our company’s server needs!”

Thom kindly explained that “virtualizing your server needs” = “paying only for the computing power you need.”

Oh! I’m sure there are business owners in his market who are thinking, “We need to upgrade to a more powerful computer system, but I just don’t see how we can afford it.”

Too bad the commercial didn’t say anything like that….

P.S. Although I’ve haven’t formally announced it yet, I’ve just opened registration to my annual Radio Copywriting Masters class. Limited to just 12 attendees. Are you (or is your employer) serious enough about producing results from the radio campaigns you create?

Here’s the radio copywriting class video.