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MONDAY RADIO COMMERCIAL SMACKDOWN: The Assembly Line Might Have Been Good For Ford Automobiles, But…

Henry Ford revolutionized manufacturing with his adoption of the “assembly line” process for building cars.

Someone needs to tell the people in charge of Ford’s radio advertising that the assembly line approach is deadly when applied to radio commercial campaigns.

When a commercial begins, listeners think, “Is this going to be something I care about?”

Listen to the opening line of this spot, then you tell me: Will listeners hear the beginning of the advertisement and think, “Yes! This is something I care about it! This is something I will devote my attention to, to the exclusion of whatever else is going on around me”?

Sure, I could continue with a list of all the other things this spot does wrong. (Hint: It does everything wrong.)

But the list is irrelevant, because no radio listener will have stuck around past that opening line.

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  • Tom Fricke July 16, 2012, 11:40 am

    So, Dan… how do we get your message to these idiotic ad agencies? I’m almost certain everyone reading your blog is in complete agreement that this spot does everything wrong. Yet, it will air unquestioned on hundreds of radio stations with little consequence.
    Us guys working in the trenches of the production room totally get your message and cheer it openly. But we’re not the ones who need this message; it needs to be heard by the ad agencies who continually churn this tripe for radio. Radio is powerless to do anything about it, except watch the ongoing trend of listeners not caring about what they hear on the radio.
    You can program the most compelling, entertaining radio station in the world, but airing insipid, tune-out ads just take away from the value of the programming. Like PDs need another hurdle in generating TSL.

  • K.M. Richards July 23, 2012, 3:10 pm

    Huh? What?

    I’m sorry, I fell asleep during the first ten seconds of the spot.