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The promo, produced by Eddie Bower, Imaging Director for 999 Virgin Radio (Toronto):

That’s a relatively rare spot that deliberately attempts to strike an emotional chord…without being phony or schmaltzy, without resorting to a cheesy, “Listen to how sincere I am” announcer’s voice.

By the way, Lady Gaga made good on her promise to have Maria Aragon come up on stage with her to perform during her Toronto concert.

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  • Scott Larson January 9, 2012, 8:38 am

    Brilliant, superb idea on branding the emotion of a listener and how the station benefits by bringing listeners to see this very heart warming dream come true. This is something the little girl will never forget, and the listeners to this station will ALWAYS relate back to it. Cudo’s to Programming and of course the imaging direction of Eddie.. Fun to listen to (I’ve played it 5 times) and makes me want to book a flight to Toronto just to see it.. seriously… and I’m an old dude..
    Scott Larson/Entercom Kansas City

  • Joel January 10, 2012, 9:13 pm

    This is excellent!