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Subscribers to my Radio Advertising Letter know the most recent issue included my critique of an exceptionally bad, very recent major market sales promo on a music station.

If you’re a subscriber: This is not the one you heard in my Radio Advertising Letter. (That one was Very Bad. This one is Even Worse.)

I got this from Doug Harris, who was sent a copy of it 15 years ago.

Sadly, the only thing that prevents this from being a Typical Bad Radio Sales Promo Break from 2011 is the encouragement of listeners to fax (not email, text or tweet) their entries.

That break has too many bad elements to list them all here. So, just a few stand-outs…

* The host begins by announcing it’s time for the trivia contest…and then, bizarrely, launches into a pitch for a different station contest.

* He gives seven different phone numbers with which to enter.

* He gives those 7 phone numbers before telling listeners they aren’t for the trivia contest he’d just announced; it’s for the other thing.

* The radio station proudly lists among the valuable prizes for the person who correctly answers the trivia question: a keychain…a pen…and a bumper sticker.

* In listing the prizes for the trivia contest, he promotes a third event: a station remote “from Bernie’s Bagels.” (I can’t make up stuff this bad, folks.)

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  • Anonymous July 19, 2011, 12:35 am

    Hadn’t the announcer heard of the first rule ever jock learns (or should learn in radio?)… one thought per break??

    Nothing wrong with the competition/sales promo and giving that stuff away… but don’t promote it all at once. Heck, I’m confused at what I just heard… what… was it again??? What am I responding too? Huh!? I need a drink…

  • Johnny Mann July 19, 2011, 12:38 am

    Yes, it is horrible. Painful, even.
    However, It isn’t the fault of the (poorly trained) jock, nor the (poorly trained) promo/sales staff…it’s because all the people who know how to properly do things (a/k/a: the trained and experienced) have been downsized, or in a few cases, promoted to a level where such training isn’t part of their job. These poor people have no one to learn from.
    This is a management issue…but don’t tell them that…they won’t believe it. They’ll just fire everyone again and start over with a new (poorly trained) staff…again, and again, and…
    Boy, remember when radio was “fun”?

  • scott snailham July 19, 2011, 5:07 am

    WTF was that? I might have a clue once my head stops spinning…..

  • jb July 19, 2011, 6:11 am

    Here’s what I want to know: Why only one fax number?

  • Steve July 19, 2011, 8:47 am

    What was that again?

  • Dan O'Day July 19, 2011, 9:16 am

    @JB: Your comment gave me my first (possibly only) laugh of the day.

  • Craig Burnett July 19, 2011, 9:17 am

    Wow. just wow.

  • Manfred Hanus July 19, 2011, 9:18 am

    sad enough… but anyway… ROFL 🙂

  • Harley Benner July 19, 2011, 9:23 am

    Maybe, just maybe TALK stations shouldn’t do contests. It’s been my experience that most of these guys (and gals) don’t have radio backgrounds. Not to mention, it really doesnt seem appropriate. Both of the TV stations in my (small market) town do giveaways in the body of their news, leading to segues from stories about two people dying in a firey car crash on hiway 231 to, “Bob Johnson, you now have seven minutes to call News 27 and win a $100 Wal Mart gift card!”

  • Stuntman Stu July 19, 2011, 9:26 am

    What’s wrong with giving out all those numbers? How could you not remember 3838922030302029329939299392929291929 for a key chain? LOL

  • Samantha Stevens July 19, 2011, 4:21 pm

    All I heard was pink motorcycle zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Click. That’s me stopping the promo/train wreck:)

  • Vincie Fallwell July 20, 2011, 9:10 am

    OMG… I actually feel sorry for the anncr…. sorry what was that he said!?

  • Steve Barker VO guy Sydney AUS October 11, 2011, 4:44 am

    Hi Dan,

    I met you and 96 wonderful people at the 2004 Summit.
    Even though it’s been 7 years, you still look the same.
    What is it with LA shots..?

    Really appreciate the (regular) emails and the succinct content.
    If only the corprates I prepare communiques for valued brevity!

    Going to a different conference in California soon, next month’s NAR.
    20,000 realtors in Anaheim, for 3 days, then a finale dinner/show
    with Diana Ross!
    Keep on creating on…and warm regards from the land down under!
    Steve Barker

  • Kathy L October 11, 2011, 10:17 pm

    Is he REALLY giving away a used coffee cup?!?!?!?!
    Now I feel really good about the crap I give away!

  • david morgan October 21, 2011, 10:51 am
