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how to create online videos

He used video to sell this stuff online.

I know a guy who made a bunch of money selling weird stuff online. For example, swords.

He’s a very talented guy. A good guy. But…uh, a little strange.

For example, his penchant for wearing a Viking (not the sports team) helmet.

He’s released a four-part video series that teaches you how to make online videos quickly, easily, and cheaply (even for free).

Why is he being so generous?

After teaching you tons of great free stuff, he’ll probably give you a chance to buy something. If you buy something from him via this link I’m giving you, he’ll even give me some pathetic crumb of a sales commission.

But you can watch every minute of the four-part video series, learn a lot of useful stuff, and even be entertained (I like his “disclaimers” in Video #1) without buying a darn thing from him.

And in at least one of the videos, you’ll see him wearing that stupid Viking hat.