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The other day I drove by an animal hospital.

In front of the clinic was a large electronic sign. Every few seconds the sign would display a photograph of…one or another of the veterinarians who work at the clinic.

I’ll bet that sign was pretty expensive.

I’ll bet the people whose images are displayed on that sign are proud.

Question: Of all the pet owners who drive by that clinic, what percentage would you estimate see those images and think, “Golly, that looks like the type of person I’d like to help my pet”?

Answer: Zero.

What should have those rotating images displayed?


Rotate among the four types of pets most commonly treated at that clinic.

So the image of the lovable dog reminds one passerby of her dog. The image of the cat reminds someone else of his cat.

Just as in a good radio commercial: The message isn’t about the person who provides the service. It’s about the person who wants or needs the service.

In this case, it’s the person who happens to be a pet owner.

Simple, no?

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  • Duncan Minett May 18, 2011, 8:12 am

    Brilliant! A great little anecdote that I cannot wait to share! :-).

    Thanks Dan!

  • Deb O'Melia May 20, 2011, 11:43 am

    Cats, dogs, horses…have them all in my life and have visited all kinds of veterinarians. Never did choose a one of them because of their picture or their physical attributes. They may have appeared professional-neat-trim-attractive…or kind of funny looking and eccentric. Having animal photos on the sign would’ve been the first sign that the veterinarians at the clinic may actually care that what they do is all about the animals they help and also about the pet owners who may need soothing, counseling, and advice on logical choices for pet care.