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The commercial production director of a major market radio station swears this happened to him.

“After all the years of doing this I thought I had witnessed every possible stupid salesman’s trick. Wrong!

“One comes up to me and says, ‘You know that spot you did for Client X? We are not getting any response.’

“I say, “Well, what do you think is wrong?’

“She says, “Well…I did put the wrong phone number in the copy.”

“I sat there stunned for a while and then said, ‘Why don’t you call that wrong number and see what kind of response they are getting??’ ”

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  • Art Versnick March 16, 2011, 2:02 am

    …and they live among us…

  • Peter Strong March 16, 2011, 3:13 am

    I own a toll free number that for 3 months rang off the hook at 3am with drunk young men who would leave all kinds of messages on voicemail. After investigation I found it was a wrong number displayed on a scratch remover infomercial that was running on MTV. A call to my buddy over there solved the issue, but in three months you would think they would have discovered the issue. It isn’t only radio.

  • DFR March 16, 2011, 11:31 am

    I used to work with a sales manager that would encourage reps to put either a slightly wrong address or phone number in their spec notes to me. He said that it made the prospective client focus on “an objection that we could easily fix” instead of something bigger they didn’t have an answer for. He told me that if you can get a client to talk about something fixable but small, it’s easier to sell them on the whole buy.

  • adamg July 22, 2011, 4:25 pm

    Jim says, I hate broccoli!
    Bob says,hey take it easy…did you hate it once you tried it or did something happen?
    Jim, I never tried it…….but I know…