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Bob Goff uploaded this commercial, describing it as a “unique and fun way of selling a ‘delicate’ situation.”

I’m not sure it’s a great commercial, but it does take an interesting

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  • Matt Hendrickson February 17, 2011, 12:22 am

    They’re throwing in nuts… wow. Suddenly, doing ads for a Rocky Mountain Oyster feed seems normal.

  • Gary Burgess February 17, 2011, 6:08 am

    Ugh! It was going so well then it sounded like a Blockbuster DVD and popcorn combo. I like the idea of a fresh approach, but not sure this is it.

  • scott snailham February 17, 2011, 6:57 am

    great concept, even somewhat decent copy though a bit wordy…..poor execution.

    this screams for a voice actor. someone who can emote, play around the situation with a tongue in cheek tone that the copy has been written as, but not too over the top. An announcer isn’t a good choice for this. the guy doing it comes off like a talking head…one read for everything he reads. As such, the words lose effectiveness and meaning.

    Why write copy like this when you don’t have the talent to read it? maybe to please the client, who thought the puns near the end were cute and effective, but didn’t take into account the read.

    Love to hear it with someone who can truly have fun with it and pull it off.

  • Arlene Tannis February 17, 2011, 10:13 am

    I like it… best line was the “stay at home & watch bb with a doctor’s order”…..

  • Scott Larson February 17, 2011, 12:37 pm

    While the creative was in the right “mode”, his station would be fined fro saying “March Madness”, a copyrighted term, like “Super Bowl”, you can’t say it in an add without paying off someone, but I loved the idea, a great voice actor would make this a Cleo winner, well maybe that’s taking it a little too far. Still, I loved the concept

  • Dan O'Day February 17, 2011, 12:44 pm

    @Scott: Good point. I’m surprised I missed that.

  • Matt Forrest February 17, 2011, 2:02 pm

    @ Scott: I was thinking the same thing. Sweet Sixteen is also registered. I alays try to watch out for things like – even learned a few years ago that Pat Riley trademarked the term, ‘three-peat’!

    Anyone notice the free ‘Player’s Pack’ comes with nuts? How appropos.

  • Dan O'Day February 17, 2011, 2:09 pm

    Ironically, “March Madness” originally had been coined by the Illinois High School Association. NCAA began using it and ultimately had to come to a legal settlement with IHSA.

  • Neal Angell February 18, 2011, 11:54 pm

    I also like the concept; if someone’s been thinking about getting a vasectomy, it’s certainly a creative approach to tie the procedure in with basketball, and how it’ll give them a good excuse to stay home and watch, “with a doctor’s order.”

    But I agree that a talented voice actor could’ve really made this spot come alive (and some tweaking of the copy couldn’t hurt). Due to the bland, lackluster read, the clever wordplay and humor they’re trying to convey just falls flat.

    However, with enough frequency I think this spot could generate results…at least enough to make the client feel that it was worth their investment.

    And if the client likes puns, they should run a similar spot during football season and work in something about “clipping.” 🙂

  • John Pellegrini February 21, 2011, 6:12 am

    Am I mistaken or did he say “vasket ball” instead of basket ball? This spot desperately needs a better voiceover… the guy doing it sounded way too forced and sing-song.

    The commercial will get noticed, but I think your old complaint that the script could be about anything fits here. “March Madness is a great time to have a vasectomy… buy a new car… have your breasts lifted… sail around the world… run for public office…” The only reason the product tie-in is memorable is because it doesn’t work at all and shocks you more than makes you interested. Not exactly the way to convince people to do something.

  • BB Suss March 27, 2011, 7:14 pm

    “An ice pack for your boys…”
    copywriting gold.