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Really bad copywriting…Lame opening line…No core message…Words…and Music! Only Las Vegas Convention Center radio commercials can provide…

Well, give it a listen.

Despite the poor economy, Las Vegas must be doing great. They must have more money than they know what to do with if they don’t mind throwing it away on advertising copy such as this:

Only Las Vegas can provide you with unique Circe de Soule experiences like nowhere else.

Kudos to the office secretary who wrote that radio commercial copy for the Las Vegas Convention Center!

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  • Cory Marcus December 20, 2010, 12:50 am

    Yikes! Thx for sharing Dan.

  • Sheryl December 20, 2010, 4:53 am

    Wow, that’s a lot of info and no excitement for one spectacular show. What would you do to improve it Dan?

  • John Pellegrini December 20, 2010, 6:25 am

    Knowing how things work in radio (even Vegas) this was probably written by a sales rep for free at one station, produced by a part timer, voiced by the sales rep or the part timer, and then free dubs were made for all the other stations. Just because the convention center is a big client doesn’t mean they’re going to spend any money on advertising when so many radio stations are willing to turn out crap like this for free.

  • Keith December 20, 2010, 7:38 am

    Welcome back, Dan!

  • Arlene Tannis December 20, 2010, 9:56 am

    You’d think they’d have the best promotion around…since they’re an entertainment destination!

  • Scott Snailham December 20, 2010, 9:56 am

    “Lame copy can sound great when it’s delivered right. It’s NOT delivered right here. She might as well have been taking a order for a pizza with all the enthusiasm that’s on this spot. You can have all the great copy you want, but if your talent isn’t into it, or at least appears to be into it, it fizzles. Some people can make reading the phone book interesting, some just read. I don’t think even making this a 60 would do much good, but it would give you a chance to be more descriptive and less lame and cliche oriented. Bad VO fit….she would be far better for talking about any pharmaceutical product then the excitement and energy that is the Cirque de Soleil.

  • John Peace December 20, 2010, 9:58 am

    Any script that contains the words “Save Like Never Before” qualifies for worst script.

  • adamg December 20, 2010, 12:43 pm

    dan saves radio part 2 campaign needed. All radio spots sound like this …and that is really sad. This woman probably is getting praised for her work or thinks she is awesome ..the copy person probably thinks everything is ok and they did a \cute\ job on it . So who has told them to wake up and success is not what they think?Maybe no one..Were you in Vegas Dan ? Even when you are doing your \Copy that gets results\..the reps could care less…nobody cares.. But how about the Client ? Let’s call them right now and ask about the success of their \commercial\? Well..is there is an easily activated system that will tell them \your spot was hacked\ so they will run to a safe haven ? ‘Should be. Till then- the guilty ones think they are \SUPERSTARS\

  • adamg December 20, 2010, 12:58 pm

    The Cherry Pickers are coming . There are commercials that are poorly written in America today. All over our great Country there is a misunderstanding that how you wrote copy yesterday or even how you write a Formal Letter is how you write COPY Today. VO buy it/Reps buy it /PDs buy it/ and so it continues..well what about your client who actually pays the bll? Someday he or she will wise-up and then all that you got away with will come tumbling. If you really want a good relationship to grow fess-up and get them some copy that brings success to their bottom line..don’t settle for a poor job! You are so suppose to be watching their back. lnvest in Dan O’Day ! Don’t send your people to see him then turn your back on their discoveries and slam their ideas to the curb.It will pay -and you will be part of it or you will not and unemployment is not paying .

  • Adam Garey December 20, 2010, 1:16 pm

    You have the radio show and the commercials , music and sports, news ….you are right is their an option for listeners to respond , react, and rebel…yes..it is called Switch that OFF..then we do not get the valuable feedback and listeners go to another medium. This has been happening way before now. ITUNES, podcasts ..and I wonder when the commercial come to a podcast near you if the copy writing will be as lax as we have heard. I would think not.