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First, the commercial….

Now, what they’re trying to communicate is pretty cool:

1. You receive a check that you want to deposit into your bank account.

2. You take a picture of it with your iPhone.

3. You hit the “Send” button on Chase’s iPhone app, and magically that check gets deposited into your account.

Advertising Solves Problems.

If you could deposit a check by taking pictures of the front and back and then “sending” it via your phone, what problem would that solve for you?

Having to go to the bank to deposit the check?

Having to stand in the line at the bank to deposit the check?

Having to delay the check’s being deposited in your account for the few or more days before your next “deposit checks at the bank” day?


Does it solve your longstanding frustration at not being able to deposit checks from your bathroom?

Give your targeted listeners a “test drive” of the results of this service — which in real life are unlikely involve the dining room, the guest room, or the bathroom.

Also, the person experiencing the “test drive” (as a surrogate for the targeted listener) should not be an idiot. Are you saying to yourself, “Gee, I’m just like that guy”? Doubtful. If you were that stupid, you wouldn’t be reading this blog.

Finally, let’s give a nod to those fresh comedy stylings. What a surprise when Mr. Stupid fell down those stairs, huh?

Amateurs, amateurs, amateurs.

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  • Brett Slater October 18, 2010, 4:49 am

    Now, if there could just be a universally-acceptable way to dispose of those pesky 12-second legal disclaimers.

  • scott snailham October 18, 2010, 12:06 pm

    yes, if america wasn’t lawsuit happy, you wouldn’t have so many disclaimers….