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radio advertisingI have to admit that this is one marketing campaign I can’t quite figure out:

Driving along Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica, California, I saw a guy on the sidewalk soliciting money from passersby.

At his feet was a small cardboard box with a handwritten sign that said, “Please give.”

And he was holding a larger handwritten sign that said, “Nobody likes you.”

I was so tempted to pull over and ask him to explain the psychology
behind his sales approach….

(And if you tell me it was an example of those “highly targeted campaigns,” I just might take offense.)

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  • Anonymous August 18, 2010, 9:26 am

    He’s looking for a laugh. It’s a pithy, in-your-face slam and entirely unexpected. His strategy: the element of surprise makes somebody go, \Haw!\, spraying their Starbucks latte all over the inside of the windshield, they’ll appreciate the brief moment of comedy injected into their day, and slip him a buck or two as a reward for thinking outside the box. IMHO.

  • Blaine Parker August 18, 2010, 9:27 am

    That last comment was not anonymous. That was me. The system apparently didn’t like my name. And who can blame it?

  • Archer Dusablon August 18, 2010, 9:34 am

    Targeting the athiest donator market.

  • adam August 18, 2010, 7:24 pm

    His name is “Nobody”