One day a friend of my high school choral director dropped by the “mixed chorus” class and shared some “inside” information gleaned from his having lived in Los Angeles.
I believe his last name was Thompson. I remember the name with loathing, because among other things he assured us far-from-Hollywood teenagers that Elvis Presley couldn’t sing at all and that everything we heard on his records was faked with studio production tricks.
Just a few years later I was living in L.A and saw for myself that “Mr. Thompson” was lying.
First I saw Elvis perform at the Forum and was astonished that one person could walk onstage and instantly own the 17,000 person audience.
A couple of years later I saw him perform at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. He had the flu but still put on a decent show.
I’ve always liked the Leiber & Stoller song, “Baby I Don’t Care,” from JAILHOUSE ROCK. ( I love Joni Mitchell’s version, too.)
Here is an alternate take that wasn’t used in the movie. You tell me: Manufactured with production tricks?
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Elvis had a range most singers wish they had.
elvis performed in vegas at the international hotel, which eventually became the hilton.
elvis never performed at the MGM Grand. he was exclusive to the Hilton.
Elvis performed over 800 shows there between Aug 1969-Dec 1976.
FYI. 🙂
@Sue L-Viva Las Vegas Club: You’re absolutely right, and I knew that. When I wrote this posting late last night, my brain kept thinking, “International Hotel.” And I knew that property later became a Hilton.
In fact, it’s the Las Vegas Hilton, adjacent to the convention center.
I will fix my original posting now but leave your correction intact.
Amazing. I wish I had that kind of vocal range.
My 21-year-old daughter often listens to bands who barely play anything I recognize as music. Her favorite singer ever is…Elvis Presley. Once I asked her why, and she told me “He has the best singing voice I’ve ever heard”. Maybe my daughter’s an anomaly, but I prefer to believe she has excellent taste (most of the time) :D.