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A Loyal Reader Asks:

“Do you have a checklist for air talents as they prepare for and
handle themselves at a live remote…?”

At a remote (on-site, live broadcast, known in some parts of the world as an “O.B.”), the sole job of every staff member — air talent, technician, intern, salesperson — is to make friends for the radio station.

Too Hip For The Showroom

Here’s the attitude that most radio people have at remote broadcasts:

“I’ll stand around, and if someone comes up to talk to me, I’ll be polite to them. Maybe.”

But that’s not enough.

Every remote broadcast, every public appearance is a golden opportunity to win new friends…to become their “favorite radio station.” And many of those potential new friends are intimated by you.

They are shy.

You are in “show business.” You are a celebrity….Or, at least, part of the “glamorous” world of radio.

They would like to talk to you, but they don’t know what to say.

How do you make friends at remotes?

1.  Take the initiative; don’t wait for them to work up the nerve to approach you.

2.  Smile.

3.  Offer your hand.

4.  Look them in the eye.

5.  Ask them for their names and then use their names while talking to them.

6.  Introduce them to others at the event — fellow station employees, sponsors, or other attendees.

If after a remote broadcast your radio station doesn’t have more friends than before it began, your station hasn’t done its job.

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  • Mighty Mike Quinn May 11, 2010, 1:12 am

    Great reminder! Thanks!!

  • Jeff Schmidt May 11, 2010, 3:15 am

    One of our longest existing jocks at FM99 WNOR, “Chuck The Intern,” takes your suggestions one step further. I have seen him ask the listener “So – where do you work” or “What do you do for a living.”
    If you want to see a new “friend of the station” light up, show them that you care who they are as much as they care about you, the “Talent.”

  • Andy Waits May 11, 2010, 8:59 am

    Practice good “How to Win Friends and Influence People” skills: engage others, use their names, ask them questions, be personable. Chat up everyone, both listeners and clients, and neither to the exclusion of the other. Think of it as a cocktail party (without cocktails, but other inducements) that YOU are hosting at a client’s shop.

  • Marty Lawrence May 11, 2010, 10:44 am

    Hi Dan:

    I’ve been in this racket for 30 years and, obviously, you’re no stranger to the business either. Your wisdom is welcome always and NECESSARY for success! Thanks!

  • Earl Pilkington May 11, 2010, 7:27 pm

    Along the same lines – I was taught that OB’s were ment to be Fun (note the capital)… you should always :
    BE THERE for the client & the listeners (not because you need the money).
    CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE – make it a fun place to be so people listening will come in and engage with you – if you sound like your having fun – they will too – your attitude makes a HUGE difference.
    PLAY – having fun means that you don’t just throw to a “win tix if you call now” and talk to someone back at the station – have fun in-store – where you are, and enjoy it.
    MAKE THEIR DAY – engage with people and make it something they will talk about, as Jeff Schmidt says – show them that YOU care.
    And Andy is right – it is a cocktail party – & Your The Host!
    It may not be your party – but you are hosting it, so engage everyone who comes to it.

    I have seen bad OB’s turned around simply becuase a Jock has taken the initiative and has started to enjoy themselves, but I have also seen OB’s be destroyed by a Jocks attitude and “I’m only here because I’m being paid to” way of doing things.

    Infact – most OB’s have 1 thing in common – the client has PAID to promote their business. How it is done makes all the difference.
    Everyone from your set-up techs, ad. rep., promotions people and the Jock – ALL NEED TO BE ON THE SAME PAGE!
    Your their to promote YOUR station through THEIR business, so enjoy it and you’ll be asked back again and again.

  • catfish May 13, 2010, 12:21 pm

    I actually get in their car and invite myself over for dinner.
    Is that going too far?