By now you might know Harlan Hogan and I are teaching our month-long teleseminar class, STARTING YOUR VOICEOVER BUSINESS: Everything You Need To Know To Turn Your Dream Or Your Sideline Into A Business, once more.
The first class is on Monday. Registration closes this Friday.
If you’re thinking about registering, it might help you to hear what last year’s graduates said after it was all over. Was it worth it? Or was it a waste of their time & money?
Here’s what they had to say….
Yvonne Meek
“The class was very practical and useful in that you didn’t ‘glamorize’ or try to hype us for our precious money. Many other voiceover sites, etc. seem to make lots of promises and require lots of money to get started.”
We “forced” last year’s students to update us with their “30-Day Success Reports.” Here’s Yvonne’s update:
“OK, so I am still stuck in my old, fearful and procrastinating ways but I did manage to secure a full production audio book project to be recorded in my fully equipped home studio.
“I will also be recording ‘on hold’ presentations for our Chamber of Commerce and Visitors and Convention Bureau.”
Hmm. That’s what she accomplished in the first 30 days after the end of the class while still being “fearful and procrastinating”??
Mike Achen
“What a great class this has been. It is probably the best $$$ I have spent on voiceover ever. And here is why I say that.
“1) You broke it down into four 4-week segments with each week keying in on vital aspects of the business of voiceover.
“2) Every week you added Q&A after the class to help us with our own areas we might be curious about. You also gave us bonus calls …enough said.
“3) You showed us what a workbook with an action plan might look like and gave us nuts and bolts examples each week of actions we can take to start and build our business.
“4) It is very obvious you both have the experience and know how to show beginning, intermediate, and expert VO actors how to ramp up our business with a hands on approach to making a plan, getting started, and following through.
“Thank you Harlan and Dan for a REAL class on how to start and grow my business. By the way, I booked a narration gig for a large public utilities company here in the inland empire right after Class 4. This was a result of ‘the work of voiceover work is getting the work.'”
Deborah Reast
“I want to thank you both for the time involved in hosting the class and the many hours you must have spent preparing and creating the ‘Starting Your Voiceover Business’ course.
“Certainly many of us have procrastinated in doing the ‘work of voiceover work’, namely contacting people and putting it all out there. Now that we know a lot more than we did four weeks ago, our confidence is improved and we’ll begin setting the voiceover world on fire!
“During the class I personally discovered that I definitely need to brush up and play around more with the technical aspect of recording. I don’t think any of us can get away with remaining unfamiliar with our home studio equipment. Since much of the work is no longer done at a proper recording studio, we all need to become more tech savvy to obtain projects and to do more work with an increased number of clients.
“It was very helpful to have the recording critiqued. I gained excellent tips during the class and the experience and knowledge you both bring to the table (in a humorous and irreverent way) will be extremely valuable as we build our businesses.
“The weekly worksheets were detailed and full of information which can be retained and used along our voiceover journey. This is my second business and it is a division of my first company, so much of my company accounting and legal aspects are already in place, however, during the last session I picked up two accounting ideas that I will begin using immediately. Anyone just starting out surely will have their business run much more smoothly because of the information they received in Module 4.
“Your willingness to begin the Facebook group, to be available to the students and to continue to create future courses shows your dedication to the business. We are very fortunate to have found you and I’m sure each of us also wants to make you proud.”
Norman Jacklin
“First of all, this was a high class series of great monetary value, important in these times. Harlan Hogan provided the meat and potatoes of the curriculum, carefully explaining a whole range of marketing and business practices with the skill of an experienced VO performer, adman and accountant.
“Dan O’Day was no slouch either and provided motivational thoughts, insightful questions and at times some humor. They provided numerous hours of instruction, question and answer feedback and bonus sessions with industry experts totaling, by my count, at least 25 hours for the total cost, a rare bargain.
“Second, they utilized advanced teleclass and downloading technology, where astonishingly, they were able to control class outbursts, silly questions, self aggrandizement and the general wasting of time, often unavoidable with this venue of instruction.
“Third and most important, their instruction was relevant, valuable, practical and doable as long as students were willing to get up off their chairs and take action, even if in small steps.
“Fourth, in addition to the foregoing, Dan O’Day established a face book page for student’s continuing and future questions and advice. The Duo even managed to have their friend and colleague, Jeffrey P. Fisher, review for voice quality and recording technique, over three hours worth of audio submitted by students.
“I’d say kudos and ‘props’ to these two for meticulous planning, having fun with their material and some dumb luck!”
Susan Smart
“First let me just say this, I think you guys are so wonderful to give us your time and knowledge, and anything worth having is worth paying for and I’m telling you that this whole experience was so worth it!
“Each and every class this month was awesome and the best things I’ve gotten out of the overall set are how to move forward and what to expect and something even better: ‘what is expected of me’ in so many aspects of the business.
“Sometimes when I don’t know what to do, I become distracted and start doing so many different things it takes me a long time, if ever, to get back to where I should be. These classes have allowed me to set a path/plan that I can refer to when I get sidetracked, so I’m back on track right away.
“The bonus classes were absolutely the best. Those alone were well worth the money we paid. The ‘How to get things done’ {bonus call} was exactly what I needed. I was so happy to get the Pro Tools Information and again, it was so timely it was like you knew I was fumbling with my brand new studio tools. The {secret bonus class} was also a good one, it really opened my eyes about {sorry — secret bonus!). Thanks Dan for all your hard work and effort on these.
“I was so happy when you announced this class as I’d been scouring the web for months and found only a few places that have any real serious information. The compilation of the information in these classes has allowed me to get a plan together. I feel confident as I move forward with my plan that I know where I want to be going and I’ve learned a lot about how to get there.
“The audio evaluation was priceless, it covered exactly what I’d been wondering since I set up my studio. Mostly, how was the sound in my ‘closet’ and did I have the right mic for my voice? Thank you Jeffery, for answering those very questions.”