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MONDAY COMMERCIAL SMACKDOWN: Dominos Pizza + Radio Positioning

radio commercialsIt hasn’t occurred to me until now that there is one good side effect of radio’s consolidation:

It’s drastically cut down on the number of “those other stations are jerks” promos — because now “those other stations” are owned by the company that owns your (and all the other) stations.

Which leads to this commercial critique…

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  • Rico Garcia February 15, 2010, 12:20 am

    When the ‘big guy’ makes reference to the ‘little guy’, the ‘little guy’ gains creditability.

    Definitely a dumb move!

  • Blaine Parker February 15, 2010, 5:43 am

    Fundamentally agreed. Here are the respective challenges with Domino’s: 1) They a relentless over-tester of advertising; 2) They change advertising agencies like underwear–hence, often lousy advertising; 3) They must have been pummeled in surveys about the quality of their product, because they’ve recently been talking about how lousy their product used to be and how it’s now better. They were no doubt also losing market share to Papa John’s. The “We’re better than Papa John’s” would be a direct response. For anyone who’s predisposed to dislike Domino’s, these messages are making them think twice. I can also guarantee that if they don’t make the phone ring in short order, the commercials will evaporate.

  • Bill Schmalfeldt February 15, 2010, 10:03 am

    Seems to me that a product that just came off a series of spots apologizing for sucking so much in the past has no business attacking other products. “Hey! Forget how bad WE admitted to sucking! Look! Papa Johns sucks HARDER!”

  • Dustin Parkhurst February 15, 2010, 10:16 am

    I think it’s good… for Papa John’s. Nobody’s going to care enough to remember what they’re saying about Papa, they’re just going to hear “Papa John’s” (twice!) + their slogan, and NEVER hear the name “Domino’s.” I know it’s TV, but shouldn’t you at least say your name once? Papa should send Domino’s a nice Thank You note, “Thanks for boosting our credibility!”
    **Also, If we cared about taste we would eat pizza from a REAL pizzeria, or make it at home. We eat your pizza because you make it so damn cheap & convenient!

  • Dan Nims February 17, 2010, 11:14 pm

    Mentioning your competition in an ad is risky. How many people can’t remember who paid for an ad, even when they can easily remember hearing it? So you put the name of your leading competitor in the ad and NOW the listener is REALLY confused.

    It’s about as dumb as defining your product or service by telling people what it is NOT instead of telling what it is. What people really want to know is what does your product DO.

  • Barry Cole February 22, 2010, 9:55 am

    If you are just listening and you failed to see dominoes suddenly you hear papa johns. Hey,lets order pizza from papa johns.
    “Bad Idea”For dominoes/great for papa johns.

  • Bill Wightman March 6, 2010, 7:10 pm

    Dan… You did not state your position on the idea of a smaller brand with far less mind share taking aim at the market leader. Are you saying it’s only a bad practice for the top brand, or any brand?

  • Dan O'Day March 6, 2010, 7:16 pm

    @Bill: It can work, and it has worked in the past. Unlike the market leader, the smaller brand has nothing to lose.

  • Bob Sneddon March 9, 2010, 10:42 am

    How about the concept that after viewing this the first time, I really thought it was a commercial for Papa Johns…