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October 1995 (continued): Upon my arrival in Auckland, New Zealand, I was met by Leon Wratt, who graciously drove me the two hours to Hamilton, where the next day I was to present an air talent seminar for The Radio Works.

After a quick nap, I was taken to lunch by Leon (the program director) and Marketing & Operations Manager Kate Rigg.

After touring their radio operation (and convincing GM Claire Monaghan to show me where the “Eat Your Own Food” memos are posted), I returned to my motel.

What are “Eat Your Own Food” memos? All radio stations have them, usually posted on a bulletin board in the employee lounge. They offer an excellent insight into the psychodynamics of the station’s staff. Typical examples include:

“Reminder: NO ONE who is not a station employee is allowed in the building after 5:00PM on weekdays…and NEVER on weekends!”

“REMINDER TO AIR STAFF:  KXXX will have a booth at the annual County Fair. Although there is no pay involved, we hope all of you will volunteer to work the booth this weekend. Please check with the Assistant Program Director to find out exactly what times you have volunteered for.”

And the most common one of all:

“I can’t believe I have to say this AGAIN, but some people just don’t seem to get the message: “DO NOT EAT ANY FOOD IN THE REFRIGERATOR THAT YOU DID NOT PUT IN THERE!”

I couldn’t locate any angry memos, but I did track down these….

radio advertising graphic

radio commercials graphic

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  • Bill Wood December 18, 2009, 9:53 am

    Been there.

  • Derek Knight December 18, 2009, 9:54 am

    I honestly thought that pintos n’ cheese was mine.

  • Anonymous December 20, 2009, 12:08 am

    After a remote, don’t leave the Mardi in the truck
    Don’t drink Applejuice near the board (anymore)
    Don;’t smoke in front of the building
    Refridgerator for sale (Unless you start cleaning it out)
    The Program director will not fill out your time sheet anymore
    (if you don’t turn it in on time, you WILL NOT get paid)
    The coffee is for interview guests only (you can have some after they leave (about 9:20am))
    What are you, pigs?
    and my personal favorite….
    We may give out t-shirts, but there’s no reason to wear one everyday.
    (you could look nice every now and then)