The idea of a way better type of production sounds great. We all look for an edge. Having found one, and then putting it into practice, however, is something else.
Something one has to do alone.
Learning to expand one’s abilities, broaden diversity and “let go, and allow more of the story (promo/commercial/format theme) to tell itself” requires you to slightly elevate your awareness. Teaching it to take seriously those intuitive impulses, those leaps of faith, can only be done by one. The practitioner. That’s you.
Yet, you will not be affected. You will be only be educating your previous education. Think of it as a simple professional faith update.
To make things more compelling, however, let’s put a ticking time bomb under the dinette table: miss your specific time to act, leap the Leap, and your chance explodes.
Yes. A specific date, year, lunar cycle, and all the other movie suspense elements. Miss it by one split-second, and the chance is gone. Forever.
Only with your alertness, practice and quick response can you make the choices in production, occurring within a fraction-of-a-second Leap Of Faith, flashing past before you can form a thought.
The notion of taking a Leap of Faith can seem difficult. But, with a little insight, not at all. It’s simply not apparent. Not at first.
Let me tell you the story of one person who decided to go as deeply as one can, in Letting Go. Quick, simple tale. At the end of the story perhaps you will see the practice differently.
This person I speak of took the ultimate Leap of Faith. He gave up everything. His identity, his connections to the business, his status. He let go of his most beloved, his wife, his children, siblings and kin. His ego became disconnected and he was without motivation or personal gain of any kind.
What he did was he went to sleep.
There was no promise that he would awaken. Nowhere among his possessions was a guarantee he would return from his slumber. But he did it anyway. Falling into nightly sleep was a leap of Faith on his part.
Oh! Next day, he woke up. And everything started up with his awakened awareness. Up popped the ego, the sense of entitlement, the ambition. There were the people among which to choose to pay more or less attention. He continued as if nothing were different.
So – it’s not only as easy as that, taking a Leap of Faith is also something from which we will survive! Well now, that’s important to know.
And, as for that one chance you have to take a Leap Of Faith. That’s all any of us ever have. But when? An easy way to remember is to once again bring to mind there is no REAL Past, no Future, only that to which we can refer. So –
These are your coordinates, you may want to write them down if unable to commit them to memory:
Here is the precise time for action.
Now is where everything is and will take place.
You are the only one to choose… a Leap Of Faith.
[Disclaimer: Your estimates, perceptions and outcomes may vary; better results with selfless action.]