This blog has managed to remain 100% politics-free. I’ve tried to make this a safe haven for radio folks of all persuasions. I dearly hope that today’s offering doesn’t incite some reader to ruin our perfect record.
I’ve got a song I’ve been waiting to share with you. After the first couple of lines, you might think it’s presenting a political point of view. But if you keep listening, you’ll discover —
— Well, as a writer I hate to come right out and tell you what the song is about. A good song is a story, and it tells itself.
But in the interests of playing it safe and hoping that no one perceives their own political reviews as being attacked, I’ll tell you in advance. (In other words, “spoiler alert.”)
For years now I’ve wondered exactly when it was that we Americans (and also, it appears, Canadians) became incapable of tolerating people whose political beliefs are opposite our own.
I think — I think — there used to be a time when my neighbor could disagree with me and I wouldn’t hate him for it.
I don’t offer this song as any type of political or even social statement. Whatever your politics are, you are 100% correct. No need to make your case here, okay?

Moxy Früvous
This is a now disbanded Canadian group called Moxy Früvous. Very big in Canada in the early 1990s. They specialized in witty, satirical topical songs.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation commissioned them to write a series of such songs…including one about “the first” Gulf War.
The biggest reason I’m sharing this song is I love the harmonies. You might. Or you might not.
I also love the verse about “25 years old…25 sweet summers…”
If you love or hate the song, praise or attack the music. Or attack my musical taste.
But please, do me a favor and — as I am doing — leave your deeply felt political beliefs outside. This ain’t about politics; it’s about human beings acting as human beings tend to act.
I’m sharing this with permission of Moxy Früvous.
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Great to see the Moxy guys getting their props. They were a neat band and became the darlings of the left here in Canada for a while. They were never ‘massive hit makers’ and pretty stayed true to their satirical guns. In Canada we have no problem with that. Compared to the US our artists generally have more freedom of expression and generally don’t have to placate the powers that be.
FYI Jian Ghomeshi (the one with the longer hair in the photograph) is now with the CBC doing a show called the Q. He was the the interviewer saddled with Billy Bob Thorton a couple of months back. Good interview that helped put the show on the map.