This is a Sushi-ish restaurant in a strip mall in Los Angeles. I like Sushi. I like Japanese food. But I’ve never gone into this place, because I’ve never been able to see what it looks like inside.
Is it tiny? Spacious? Tastefully decorated or unappealing to the eye? Lots of happy customers inside, or is it empty?
Who knows? They’ve covered virtually every viewable inch of glass with pictures and posters that are intended to “sell” the restaurant but which in reality discourage new customers from entering.
Drives me crazy every time I see it.
What Does This Have To Do With Radio Advertising?
A good radio commercial offers the listener a “test drive” of the results offered by the product or service. When you clutter up your spot with bells & whistles, jokes, and extraneous audio, you obscure any potential consumer test drive.
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That’s a very good “real world” and relevant example of advertising clutter or “noise”
I’ll probably use that in discussions with client in the future.
I loved your post so much, Dan, that I RE-BLOGGED it :). Kinda like a RT on Twitter. Good stuff, my friend.
I love that example Dan! Thanks for sharing.
Ric Gonzalez