September, 1994 (continued):
My last stop on this radio seminar tour was Oberhausen, where I conducted AIR PERSONALITY PLUS+ for NRW, thanks to PD Dr. Klaus Klenke and Music Director Jeff van Gelder.
Translation Booth
Unlike this trip’s other in-station seminars, this was done with simultaneous translation; some staffers listened to my English, others heard a German translation in their headphones. (My seminar at the conference in Leipzig also featured simultaneous translation.)
This is not as difficult for me as it might sound. The only real problem is that when I say something humorous, I have to wait seven seconds for the translators to catch up to see if the attendees laugh. (If they don’t laugh, then obviously the interpreters screwed up the translation of the joke.)

Flying back home via Amsterdam, I spent some time in the KLM lounge while awaiting my flight to L.A. It was there that I noticed a woman who apparently was sanitizing some magazines before bringing them to her home country.
When I walked by, she was using a black marking pen to cover up the legs of a woman in an advertisement.
Then she kept flipping the pages, stopping frequently to apply more black ink to any images that might corrupt her countrymen/women back home. (Either she herself is impervious to corruption, or she’s already corrupted.)
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Ah yes The Interpretation….Dan O’ Day you..You made me laugh and actually feel sorry for you. I can see you waiting thoise SEVEN SECONDS that seem like minutes sweating bullets ,” Did they get my joke? Maybe it doesn’t translate in this Country where the Toilet paper is like dried corn meal? “..Well, I appreciate your humor..But I need some warning that it was a joke not a seriouso momento. Perhaps the lady with the Sharpie liked that wonderful scent of markers…perhaps her Life was in jeopardy and she is a spy and you are the only one who saw what she did..The Pen somehow would release code on its flowing data and her counterpart in Igzanbuhl will analyze. HMMM. Thanks for your humor..A Lighter Note…Adam G
I guess dried corn meal is kind of cruel… I have only heard things so I jump without research .oops…then again if you used dried corn meal would anything really make you smile again? Love Ya, adam