June, 1994, Part 3: Later in the month I traveled to Virginia, where I conducted How To Create Maximum Impact Radio Advertising for the Virginia Association of Broadcasters in Charlottesville. I also spent two days in nearby Richmond, where WRVQ/WRXL’s Linda Forem, Brian Illes, and Lisa McKay had me conduct air talent and commercial copywriting seminars for their staffs.

On the flight from California to Virginia, the airline movie was FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL. To my immediate left sat a man who obviously enjoyed the film. He laughed loudly throughout — so loudly that I kept looking for an eject button on his seat. (For you North Americans: Imagine watching an entire movie with Ed McMahon sitting next to you and laughing at everything.)
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Type of situation where I just uncomfortably stare at the guy. For however long it takes. Maybe rock back and forth and fake a twitch too.. sometimes problems like these are handled in a fun way!
Are you pretty quiet as an airplane seat passenger Dan? Do you like to strike up conversations or just say,”leave me alone”, to yourself? I have thought being handed a Peanut Pack “Can you open these for me first.. And I did converse with a radio guy who decided to drink a bloody mary almost every half hour. His story turned from interesting to gibberish
Interesting to gibberish talking about the great rock group, “Tool”!
Does a Radio Production person always think What kind of script can this be? Any material I can take from this? And the stereotype was the cab I took from the airport in Vegas to my apartment was a rip off and I should have known better- I was the sobre one. So write stereotype in your script.adam
Now DJ from Oklahoma’s attitude about himself did lighten more the closer we got to Vegas due to his drink choice in the airplane and I think a DJ should focus less about who he is and more on who the Music is and the community he serves. But The words got muddled and morphed.adam
“Four Weddings and a Funeral”… isn’t that five of the same thing?