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Ain’t that the truth, Dan! I’ve been out of the business for eight years and STILL have nightmares about not being able to get the next song ready in time.
Whoa…flashback. Memories of being the only one in the station when the call of the wild hit! Broke a sweat several times while waiting for backup. Ha!
Ain’t that the truth…….
I used to work with a guy called John “Threeball” Nixon (deep voice). I clearly remember seeing him walking back from making a coffee one day and hearing the ’45 on air run onto the label. Verily verily I say unto you, he did not speed up one iota but calmly continued walking to the studio, and simply started the next song and lifted the needle off. Nothing ever fazed old Threeball.
radio credo – NEVER SPILL THE COFEE!
I remember once we had a new guy on the weekends and everybody forgot to tell him that the doors had an electromagnetic locking mechanism recently installed. He pretty much bolted during a song to the bathroom (which was outside the main studio offices in a lobby)and as soon s he got back noticed he got locked out by the electromagnetic door! Needless to say its pretty bad when the PD has to come to the station on a Sunday with a set of keys to open the door after 45 minutes of dead air.