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If you attended today’s teleseminar:

How was it? What did you learn? New stuff, or just the same tired old “sales training 101” stuff you’ve heard for years?

You (or your employer) had to pay to attend. Do you expect to make a profit on that investment? Do you feel better equipped to take control of the your next conversation with a gatekeeper?

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  • Dwight October 14, 2008, 12:38 pm

    Awesome information, Dan! I’ve never seen my team take so many notes. We’re all very excited, can’t wait to get on the phone and try these out!

  • Wally October 14, 2008, 12:46 pm

    This had to be the best training I have received in the past 4 weeks. I have recently joined the radio sales staff at clear channel in Omaha NE after being in the beverage industry for the past 5 years. Everything that Dan covered was clear and logical. The “Partial notes” was a great concept and kept me focused throug out this class. As an Ex “teacher” i’m envious I hadn’t done this before. I’m anxious to apply what I’ve learned and can honestly say that I can’t remember when I took a class over the phone that as soon as it was over my classmates and I were eargerly talking to each other as to how we were going to use what we learned. Dan, you are an excellent teacher and your message is crystal clear!


    Wally (Omaha Clear Channel)

  • Dan O’Day October 14, 2008, 12:50 pm

    as soon as it was over my classmates and I were eargerly talking to each other as to how we were going to use what we learned.

    In addition to your other kind words, that part thrills me because it suggests this really was new information for them and they immediately see how they can start using it.

  • Richard Stanhope October 14, 2008, 1:18 pm

    This was AMAZING. Far and away the BEST sales training I’ve ever had. I only wish I had learned it sooner.

  • Dan O’Day October 14, 2008, 1:28 pm

    @ Richard: The fact that everyone else thinks you’ve got to “befriend the gatekeeper” gives you a huge advantage from this day forward.

  • Anonymous October 14, 2008, 4:08 pm

    Great tips! My salespeople are having major challenges getting through to decision makers in my market. This will help.

  • Doug Zackodnik October 16, 2008, 3:01 pm

    I found your seminar very informative. We have been trained to bring in the Gatekeeper and turn her into a sponsor rather then trying to bypass her. But it should be clear to you that we are in a very small market as compared to most US cities. Our town is 30,000 plus and our trading are is 160,000 plus so we rarely if ever use the phone to make appointments. We show up at there door and make cold calls the old fashion way, and that is by actually going to the business itself right off the bat. Having said that, there is occasion for us to use this information and I thought that it was very good. What I liked the most about the seminar was the “tonality” as you called it. I thought that was bang on.

  • Dan O’Day October 16, 2008, 5:11 pm

    The “tonality” — combined with the right words — is incredibly helpful. I use it all the time, pretty much whenever I call anyone who has a gatekeeper. Yesterday I had occasion to call the head of programming for a radio network. We’d never had any previous contact, but I figured he’s probably familiar with my name. His gatekeeper was very nice, but it simply would’ve been too complicated to explain to her why I was calling and expect her to communicate that effectively to him. So I used those same techniques to get her to put me right through — thereby not wasting her time or mine.