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NOTE: Today’s REAL posting is immediately below this teleseminar update.

The Ask Mike McVay About Radio Programming teleseminar is open for registration. Limited to 195 attendees.

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • Jan October 21, 2008, 11:14 am

    Heeeeiyah there,

    Thanks for your kind invitation. It is nice of you to bring experienced industry people into the circle of your clients. By the way, I would appreciate one little item for possible future invitations, please.

    It may help a bit if you add the schedule based on European time, please. I live in Poland, Europe and it would help a lot if I knew what MY time do you begin a seminar or any other enterprise as such. So far, you mention the American time zones only.

  • Dan O’Day October 21, 2008, 11:19 am


    That might be a good idea. We do that after people have registered and we send them their confirmation.

    Maybe I should add it to the first page, too. (The argument against that: When people are trying to decide whether to register, you don’t want to send them away from the registration page.)

    In the meantime, here’s how to tell what 11:00AM Pacific is in your part of the world (wherever that might be):


    With this particular teleseminar, you also receive the mp3 recording of it afterward. So even if the “live” timing isn’t perfect for you, you’re still protected.

  • Rick Steele October 21, 2008, 11:30 am

    WOW, Dan (and Mike)! I just downloaded my teleseminar bonus. What a fantastic surprise! I’ve already gotten my money’s worth and you haven’t even done the teleseminar yet.

  • Marc October 21, 2008, 1:46 pm

    Hmmm… “”In today’s environment, where and how can we develop the next generation of radio talent?” eh?

    Howsabout: “How can those that have been ousted get back in?! You know, those of us that had promise, did a damn good job, and willingly sold our souls for $5 an hour while doing the jobs we loved. The ones that would’ve made radio our careers but were canned and can’t get back in…”

    Ah, that sounds better! So the whole “next generation of talent” question can’t be asked or even answered until asking the harder quesiotn of the last generation of talent that couldn’t find footing because they were knocked out from underneath!

  • Ralph Allen October 21, 2008, 8:31 pm

    Many program directors became managers after being successful air talents. Within an hour of being promoted, the job calls for a different skill set and that skill set is in response to this question: “Now what do I do?” You better be drafting your execution plan, evaluating, researching, knowing the ARBITRON methodology, the strengths and weaknesses of not only YOUR team, but your competitors and you better be able to conceptualize and work toward an outcome that you are going to like. Mike McVay and Dan O’Day have both spent a lifetime learning, developing, and teaching the “answers” as to how to do radio!
    If you can get inside the minds of and get both of these guys, as to best practices, for twenty bucks, what a deal! I loved my PDF extra gift and again, knowledge is power in radio. Those that study the art and science of programming, can become very wealthy in radio!If you’re going to be in it, the PD job is the best job in radio if you’re GOOD at it! These guys know their stuff! Twenty bucks? Oh yeah!
    O’Day and McVay are two giants of the industry listen up!
    Ralph “Allen” Allenbaugh
    Owner Ralph Allen Media

  • Mike Allard October 22, 2008, 11:20 am

    I’m pleased with the PDF bonus. Like all things from Mike, it’s clear, concise and helpful.

  • Jan October 22, 2008, 4:11 pm

    Ups, the “/time” section tells me what time is it now in LA. Something like 3:45 in the morning. Great, but not much of help for me either… :-). You see, LA’s 3:45 is LA’s 3:45.

    To see it differently: I am to register to a seminar, any seminar. I am a client, sort of. There are clients from the US and clients from Poland, Europe.

    Why the heck 😉 I am treated as a worse kind of client than people from the US? I am not saying I am any better, but why should I agree to being worse :-)? Los Americanos receive information in a way that is convenient for them, OK, good for them, but why should I spent my time and money on figuring out how to fit into habits the American client of yours :-)?

    In other words, fancy you trying your Amercian clients to fit into
    habits of your elsewhere-in-the-world clients. Let them. Let us wait then for their reaction. Just think: the only thing you mention at your website is “The seminar starts at 16:00 Polish time” 🙂

  • Anonymous October 23, 2008, 4:46 am

    4:00 AM Australian time. I’m in. Thanks for the bonus as well.


  • Dave November 4, 2008, 9:05 am

    LOVE the bonus! What an incredibly valuable tool for any programmer!