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This is the most viewed video I’ve ever released on YouTube.

I’m pleased to report it outpaces its nearest competitor, from my pals the Ylvis Brothers, by 24,000 views. 

Of course, I’ve had the Ylvis Brothers’ video online for only 2 years vs. 4 years for my “Bobby View Ruined My Life” video.

And theirs has a lot more “thumbs up” and fewer “thumbs down” than mine.

But still I gloat.

Years ago I found myself mulling over what I learned about love and romance from the pop songs I grew up hearing on the radio.

That took me to my computer, where I organized my thoughts and put them in writing.

My friends liked it.

One day one of them said, “Y’know, that thing about Bobby Vee is the best thing you’ve ever written. You should do something with it.”

I’m pretty sure that was his way of saying everything else I’ve written isn’t very good. But I rewrote the “essay” for video, found the appropriate audio clips, and produced the piece.

If you don’t know who Bobby Vee is, there’s no point in your watching the video.