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MONDAY RADIO COMMERCIAL SMACKDOWN: Epson Continues Its Tradition of Bad Radio Advertising

Go ahead, see how long you can concentrate on what the guy is saying before you mutter, “What the hell is he trying to say?”

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  • scott snailham January 31, 2011, 3:49 am

    simple….performance is important in business. and with epson model X, you get performance. shame they clutter it off the top, but those corporate types talk that way anyway don’t they?

  • Mark Barron January 31, 2011, 3:59 am

    spot must have been written by the sales guy… you know “we got 30 seconds and we gotta fit ALL this in…” definitely a commercial you zone out with….

  • SMSgt Mike "MoonDog" Burnette, USAF January 31, 2011, 6:25 am

    Word are words, and promises are promises–uh, we don’t care about promises–vee produce da schtuff comrade, DA?!

  • Robin Solis (Bobbie West) March 27, 2011, 5:23 pm

    there was something strange about that opening line. A turn off for sure, esp. “reality” made me not like it.