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Registration is now open for 2010’s 3-day Radio Copywriting Masters class.

Twelve ambitious radio copywriters and me, locked for three days in a fancy boardroom in a Los Angeles airport hotel.

Actually, it’s more fun than it sounds.

Here’s a spot written by one of 2009’s attendees, Terri Beers, during one of my 5-minute QuickStart Copywriting Lessons. She was new to radio copywriting….

Nicely voiced by Blaine Parker.

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  • BR November 11, 2009, 7:18 am

    Nice spot. Great writing and execution.

    Why doesn’t the player ever work in the Firefox browser?

  • Steve Johnson November 11, 2009, 9:10 am

    Good job Terri! The focussed, concise script targetted what you wanted to say—-quite effective.

  • Dan O'Day November 11, 2009, 9:20 am

    @BR: I’m guessing you’re using Windows, which has all kinds of “security” features that prevent all kinds of things from working online.

    I use Firefox exclusively…but on my Mac.

    Sounds as though you do have a second browser (Internet Explorer?) with which at least you can hear the audio.

    Sorry it’ a hassle for you.

  • Blaine Parker November 11, 2009, 9:30 am

    For what it’s worth, the player usually works fine in Firefox for me. I’m running version 5.0.